Monday, 22 June 2009

Collaborative writing project

I want to share with you two of the stories you wrote collaborativel with students from South Africa.
Click on the links and see what they look like.
Thanks to Miss Fiona and her students for such a nice presentation!


Anonymous said...

hello miss Ale,
there were fantastic I like them a lot but to enter I have to wait very much a lot,
I like them there were afnsinating I could not imagen that we can do so well
I wish we can do more and more claboratimg stories
I llike them a lot
Who got the idea to do that of the stories
the one how told that Idea has a very good ideas and imagination
I like it a lot I don´t have another way to tell it is fasinating
a lot of kisses
see you tomarrow
chaira f 6C

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Ale,

The presentations were excellent. I'm very glad that Miss Beal liked our stories. I think that the stories with Canada and South Africa are going to be better ones, unluckily we hadn't Internet today on school.

See you tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Hello miss ale I entered to both blogs and left comments, but with my account, so I don't know if it will work, I hope it does!!!! jajaja I am very excited about all this project and more about writing collaborative stories with students all around the world!!!!
I am glad you got to know this teachers so that we can do all this amazing projects!!!
See you tomorrow

martin said...

hello miss ale......

There were very good videos jejejjeej I saw them jeje but I am not so sure about iff that blog were were the videos is the blog of southafica......



Anonymous said...

Hi miss ale,
After a tennis day again!! I am very very tiredd and the second I camed home and the first thing I made was to go to the Language blogg. I likes today very much the collavoretebe story we made with the children south africa and canda and I liked it very much. And also this post that fiona beal put on her blogg and the post on the bringing us togather blogg, that presentation was fantastic I want to do anohter story
see you on friday
bye bye
tomas j

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Ale,
I saw the storis, the stories were fantastic.I thought that students from 4th grade coudl write this stories
It was a great idea to write collaboratibe writings!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Misshhhhhhh Ale,
Heey there! How's everything? Hope it's OK and that internet is working at school. I'd like you to tell me if internet has already started working or this will led me to have to do it at home. Well I am very excited to see how the final project comes out, I hope it is FAB. Well Miss Ale, I would also like to tell you that I am glad that you or Miss Marta or both, discovered this wonderful program: ETHERPAD, beacause of that tool we are able to comunicate constantly from one minute to the other from the other side of the world. I find it cool. Well Miss Ale I should go to watch casi angeles, so as I am good I will go to do what I am supposed to do and watch TV,
Lots of Loveeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

Miss Ale,
The stories were amaing, altough I agree with most of people that we have to wait a little bit for the page to load. I enjoy them a lot, they were great, but I didn't understood one part... We are going to do that kind of drawings? The story showed lots of ideas and they were very creative and with lots of imagination. Today we couldn't use etherpad, but we worked on word and then we copy past it because it didn't work so well. I agree with Delfi, I think that you are fascinating, you discovered that programme that is great. I really use them with other subjects!Thanks to discover it. Miss Ale, your ideas are very creative because throught the blog now we can contact ourselves with the other people from South Africa or Canada.
Keep on posting,
Kisses & Hugs

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Ale
The colaborative writing will be very fun, not only the stories also the feeling of communicating with south african people and canadian.My story is quite good!!!
ignaciof 6a

Anonymous said...

Hello miss Ale

This idea for my is excellent and it is a lovely expirence. We are going to meet boys of other country
The blog is wonderful

Bye Nico

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Ale,
I think that the stories are great! But, I am unhappy that we couldnt finish the story becuase South Africa's students did all the fisrt part and wanted that us to finish it, and they were with all the enthusiasm that tehy wanted too see them finished. But as school ws closed of the Gripe Porcina, it was very difficult that all the groups could finish it! But, now as I am in IT, and we just finished the stories with Oli, Maru and me, now we are very very happy that we finished it and South Africa's and Canada's students are going to resived them before they go to holidays. I keep being very impressed that we are doing COLLABORATIVE WRITING AROUND THE WORLD! Well Done!
Beluu D

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Ale!
I liked the presentations A LOT! I liked them so much that i saw them about 5 times! Ja Ja...
I would LOVE to keep on doing other collaborative projects with all the persons of the world! ( a great goal ajaj) I also would like to keep in touch with the Canadian and South African boys and girls... It would be great to have much more projects with them trough out the year, maybe some day we could send messages for the "amigo invisible" with them it would be a great experience. I hope that if we do another project with Fiona,that she likes it the same or more as this one!! Well see you on Wednesday!

Joaco said...

Hello Miss Ale,
I couldn't see the photos or videos, but I am going to try again later...:) :)

Joaquín S.6ºB

P.S.:Keep on posting...

Mili said...

Hello Miss Ale,

This was very good. Thank you Sofi how did you discovered this wounderfull and a little bit difficult site? It wasn´t very easy but it was a good exercise to practice.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Ale

I think it was a great idea to do the stories because we had to continue a sstory using shared imagination because it wasnt with people we know or alone it was with people that live so far that I couldnt belive it

xoxoxoxo martu.r 6a see you soon tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Ale the stories are very entertaining and very imaginating stories.
Segundo 6C

Tomi N. said...

It is very fun to write with other people!!!

Anonymous said...

Miss Ale,
This storys where great, I liked very much how they put the story on the video. I think the children of South Africa had great ideas.
See you,

Anonymous said...

Miss Ale,
I think it is great this whole thing about the collaborative writing (across the oceans, as fiona says)jaj. I enterd the two links and saw fiona's blog! It is nice but I didnt post because for one reason or for the other, the computer did not accepted me the comment.....
Enjoy your weekend!
Vicky sc

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Ale, I posted a comment on the first one, it was great!!!
the blog is great...keep on posting
these week I didn´t blog, because on monday I had two tests.
meli b

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Ale,              I like the both videos. As I said in my othe comment I love doing this experience about the colaborating stories. At first I wasen´t shure about writing and I had douts, but know i can write with any problem.KEEP ON POSTING!!!Connie