This is the official site of Chris Van Allsburg, author of The Mysteries of Harris Burdick. Browse through the site. You can visit the Story Writing Contest but don't miss visiting his site with interactive section with games. You can also read his biography and get to know some other books written by him.
Hope you enjoy it!
Have a nice weekend!
Hi Miss Ale
I think that this is a great site.I have learned alot from him.I visted the story writing contest.I think that when he did this book he was very creative with the photos.then I went to the site and I played a game that I had to do a puzzel and it was difficult to do it.Then I read his biography I didn´t read it all because it was very long but I got to know him.
See you on Monday!
Clara G
Hi Miss Ale:
Thank you for sharing this sites with all of us!! Its a great site to visit. As Clara said, I haved learned a lot of this author in this page. When you enter to the page, there is a thing that says: The mysteries of Harrick Burdic and I got an idea, why dont you choose the best story (in english, of course) and we partcipate...? I was just giving an idea.
See us on Monday!!
Euge F
Hi Miss Ale,
I really really like the sites you post. I have not have the chance to read them all, but I intend to.
Thank you very much
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Ale, I think that it is a great site, i learned a lot from "Chris Van Allburg, I remember a lot from "Jumanji" I really loved that story, besides that, in ALL our trips se saw that movie and we didn't got sick of it, I also remember that when I was little and I've had seen that movie I was scared to play set games because I thought that something will happend to me as the men from the movie,
See you on monday! Juana
IN my opinion, this author has great talent in drawing and obviasly in writing.
I saw a movie that its name is the same.
Hi miss Ale
This was a very good site, I think its good when you put things that we still didnt learn
see you on mondayy
Hi Miss Ale!!
Its a great site I have learned alot from chris van allsburg.
I lovee the book jumanji and the movie!!
I played alot of games they are so cool!!
I read his biography to get to know him better
It was a great site!!
see you on monday!
helo miss ale
I like the site you put us to read a coment that has nothing to do with chris van allsburg is that is very creative the way to entrence the web. the auther has a really talen in writing and ilustrated I enjoy it a lot
bye see you on monday
Hi Miss Ale,
I have learned a lot from this story. Chris Van Allsburg seems to crate adventure and suspense by using really good pictures.I could realize the
differences between the book and the story. I could put myself like if i was the one having all those crazy situations. Jumnaji is a very well descripted story,and uses elementary english for our age.
saw you tomorrow
hi miss ale
I already know what my stories are going to be! but they are secret......
I think they are going to be creative.
I want to start now writing them.
Very nice site miss ale!
see you tomorrow
Hi miss Ale I liked the site
Hi Miss Ale,
I realy like this site.
It has games and writings that help you understand more. I realy think that Harrick Burdick how he draws. Its like a fotograph from the 80s.
Anyway thank you for sharing this site with us!!!
See you tomorow!!
Hello Miss Ale:
I like allot the drawings of Chris Van Alburg and Chris Burdick. The storys of Chris Van Allsburg because they read them to me when I was little and I liked them allot I will like to read Jumanji because I saw the movie and I think that the book will have more details I repeat it again but its worth it it deserve a clap.
Hi Miss Ale, I can see that Harris Burdick was a great author, Jumanji is an awesome movie, I really enjoyed this site although I couldn't read everything.
Miss Ale
i enjoyed a lot this site, i sax the movie (jumanji) and i think it was very good and i remembred very little and i rem,eber that was a puzzle and you have to throw the "dados" and something was going to happend.
see you tomorrow
keep on posting Francisco i
Hi Miss Ale
I think it is a great site know I know a lot things
about him and also I have saw the movie jumanji
it a great movie it is fantasy.
Have a nice week end.
This is a good site because it has EVERYTHING you can think of about the author. (Example: I didn't know HE wrote Jumanji) so it's a very good site
Hi Miss Ale!!
I agree with Manuel about this site! I also didn´t know who had wrtitten Jumanji but I liked the movie very much and as many did that IS a fantasy story or movie!
Tomorrow Mariana said we are going to start writing our spanish stories and on Language next week, I'm trying to think what my story will be about!!
See you!!
Agus T
Miss Ale,
For me this is a very good site I have learnt new things about Chris Van Allsburg thanks to this site! It´s a very good author!
See you tomorrow!!
Ernestina P.
I like a lot this site. I allways clicked in one thing an it took me to other site but ive enjoyed a lot
Miss Ale,
I watch this movie and it was very good. I watch it when I was little, I like when the monkey stole the car.
hello miss Ale:
I think that is a good site. I think that the man that wrought the mysteris of harris Burdic is a very good auther
Hello Miss Ale
I saw the webpage and it is very creative it has lots of things to do I played some games the were fun. I didn't knew that Chris Van Allsbur wrote Jumanji apart from the other amount of books and stories that he wrote. The site was very creative.
See you tomorrow Clara V 6A
Hello miss Ale, I was thinking this week end about what I'm going to write about and when I get to school I can't wait to write it.
See you tomorrow,
Andrés ku
Hi Miss Ale:
I ahve to say that I really like the site. I really learned alot. Like Clari I read ALL his biography. When I saw it was that long I said ok only one part but then I couldn't stop reading. I ge to know alot of things about him. It was excellent!!
See you on Tuesday!!
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