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I was really surprised and I couldn't believe my eyes when I found so many of you blogging this afternoon. I am pleased to see that you are making use of this supportive learning tool full of different kinds of activities.
To reflect:"Expect the best, plan for the worst and prepare to be surprised" by Denis Waitley
Thanks Miss Ale because I had to study a lot for the final exams and now I WILL DEDICATE MORE TIME TO THE BLOG I promise!!!
Bye Bye mis Ale
Tomas Alonso
And I am very happy that you are plised
Miss Ale,
I am glad that you are happy with all the blogging of yesterday. From now on 6ºA is more determinate to be the BLOGGERS NUMBRER 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iñaki S
Last comment was mine
Tomas a
Hi ale!
This will be the new LUIS. From today on I am going to post a every day. Yesterday I was really inspirated and I was really thinking on you puting this post of all the comments
Luis G (the blogger)
Hi there!
Wow, what a good reflection. We have to expect the best and to give our best, but we must also be planned for the worst, because it can come whenever you don´t think about it. We have to be prepared to be surprised. NOW WE PROMISE 6A WILL BLOG MUCH MORE!!! I really liked the reflection and I hope you post more!
See you,
Barbie M
Miss Ale
Im glad that you liked six A blogging. We will start blogging more ofen and we will earen more house points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THomas W
Who is Denis Waitley? What did he do? Thanks for noticing that we are on the blogg
I am agreeng with what tomas sais because we want to be the BLOGGERS OF THE WEEK!!!!!!
we have to dedicate more time for the blog so we get more HOUSEPOINTS!!!!!!!
bie mis Ale
Martin S
Miss Ale: Now that you told us that we never blog, 6a is blogging a lot!! I will dedicate more of my time to the blog. We are going to do our best and keep on blogging, we need to GO FOR MORE!! We decided we don´t want to let you down this last month of school, so here we are blogging...
Miss ale:
Is great to be blogging again. I willl blog whenever I can!!! this is really an useful tool for learning it is great !!!! well I think 6a as a class can keep on blogging as they did in march before the vacations!!!!
well see you
Dear miss ale!!
I will dedicate more time to blogg!
I want to get a lot of house points!
6ºA Nº1
Ale! Im back! Its really very good to blog! You can learn so much things... And in this time I didn't thhink about it! Fro now onwards I will keep on blogging a lot! I promise!I would love you to include some fun games about the persuasive essay to practice for the exam of next week, if you find one...I think they will all love it!
See you,
thanks miss ale i will dedicate more to blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HIII Miss Ale!! I am very happy because of what I read just know. Thank you! I am sorry I didn't start blogging on the first part of the year, because I love the blog and all the interesting posts you include. Now, all the extra curricular activities are finishing, and I have more time to study for the exams and blog even more!!!! THANK YOU FOR THIS BLOG, AND ESPECIALLY THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.d: When all the teachers started saying that 6ºA was changing, we tried to do all that we could to put it up again, and I think we did a great job!!!
miss ale
I am going to be the best blogger of the year, but after the exams because we have to study a lot!!!! thank you miss ale for being pleased. this will be the new generation of bloggers. I will be the blogger number 1. yes!!!!!
annonimus (from dodds and flemming for the house points)
please give me many house points for using many fancy words on this comment!!!
I think that what Denis means that we have to always expect the best for us and afterwords be surprised! I think you posted it becuase you couldn't believe your eyes when we blogged so much. We decided all together (by chat) that we should't let you down this last months. So we decided we all have to blog and continue with a lot of effort through out all the lasting months!
Miss ale:
I'm happy you saw us blogging though I didn't blog yesterday..
I know 6a wasn't the same all the year.. but I wan't you to know that i love to post comments in the blog and to know some news that you tell us through out the blog!! Thanks for giving us this opportunity of studying for test or for the final exams with the help of the blog!!
sory for not sending you the mail with the hero essay!!!
I hope we finish the year fine!!
see you
Miss Ale
I really like this post it helps us to reflect on certain things. We have to always give are best to anything important that we have to do but on the other hand we have to be prepared if something wrong or something unexpected happens. Sometimes we might go WOW because somthing really good has happened. For example with the tests that we are starting to have. We have to practice a lot and do are best but sometimes we have to be prepared if we get a low mark or maybe we get to say WOW. This depends on each one of you. If you practice a lot and do your best you will say WOW because you are going to get a really good mark but if you dont study enough you will have to be prepared. Before doing the test or while you are doing the test you get and idea if your going to pass or not because you know if you studied and did your best. Thank you for posting this. It really helps us to reflect. I will always keep on blonging!!!!! See you tomorrow!!!
Lucia V
Miss Ale,
I am really glad you are pleased, 6c made a lot of comments it is incerdible, like 18 boy and girls in total of all the class blogged. I really like when people blog not only to get house points but because he/she is really learning and happy to learn from them. Some boys told me that they were adding house points, so I am very anxious to know which house is the winner
( I hope fleming wins!!!) I think that what you put in the post is really true. We should all expect the best of us, and plan to be prepared for everything and also to be prepared to have some surprises because nobody is perfect and we can all make mistakes. I can relate this with the final year exams and also with any normal tests. We should all practise to be shure and make the best effort that we can, but we should also be prepared to be surprised, we can always make mistakes, but life continues and it dosen´t matter if you failed in a test, because you attitude is summed up to it, so if you have a good attitude, everything will be alright, obviously we have to study, because if you just sit in the test and espect to remember everything you can´t get it right. It is always good to practise! It dosen´t matter if you think it is easy, but at least have some idea in the case you get lost, or you get scared and nervous and you get a bad mark.
Thanks for adding this Miss Ale, it is a good quotation, I think we should all believe that.
See you,
Shany M
Miss Ale:
I have so many things to say to you!! So I don't what to say! Well the point is I love this blog and if you a res uprise of seeing alot of people blogging it is normal because this blog is usually excellent to exprese you ides or you point of view! I learn many things in this blog and I entertain my self playing with these games! And then expresing your personal opinion. Oh and this sentence or refection that Denis write was very succesful and very nice. I think she is right you have expect the best and plan something for the wors with all your effort and then wait to be shock and its right so I would sometimes to this and I would suprise you ale!! Well the point is I love the blog and all thecontainer of this blog!!
INes G.
Miss Ale...
You are right more people are blogging from all the classes and making a good use of this learning tool. It is good for them because sometimes you post some tips for the tests and games to practice language, social studies, IT and all the subjects in english at school. By the way I think that: "Expect the best, plan for the worst and prepare to be surprised" means that we need to think that all the time good things are going to happen, prepare a plan for the worst and you will have a surprise.
See you tomorrow,
Valerie P.
Thank you, although I didn't blog I bloged a lot in October. I mostly enjoy it and it is very good amd we can learn and have fun at the same time. From now on I'll try to blog as much as I possibly can. I t is very good for us to have blog and learn in our homes, because some schools in Argentina can't afford a computer, or their pupils cant afford it.
Dear Miss Ale: WHAT A NICE REFLECTION!!!!!!!
I was also really impresed because before nearly anybody blogged, but now, we all work as a team and use our time to blog and practice for the exams and the day´s work.
I am really touched by this reflection you gave us. Mr. Denis Waitley is absouloutly correct. He starts his refelction with "Expect the best,..." I think that by this he wanted people to try and expect the best they can hardly do, put lots of effort and enthusiasm to hteir work and lots of hope because that will be the only way that things will be done and will be, afterwards, a very good result for anything we do. I thik that this is related to our lives, specially now, because exams are getting nearer and they are really meaningful for all of us, so we should try to do our best because that is the only way to succsess. Then he wrote:"Plan for the worst..." wich will probably for most of us mean something strange because first it said that we should try to do our best and right afterwards it says that we should EXPECT the worst, but I do find a meaning for it, I think it means that we should always be ready put the last effort on every hurdle that life will put in our path, but at the same time we should also be ready to recive anything that isn´t THAT positive for us, like for example, not getting a very good mark in any test or something like that, but maybe even worst things may happen, and we should be ready to recive them all. At last he says"...prepare to be surprised" we should all remember this, because of the importance it has. We are all dreaming of having all things going out well and for any moment not to brek down by something bad that may happen, but that is life, and anything can happen in any moment, we could decide to take a pencil just for a night, it won´t heart that person we could maybe think, but things can get worse and worse and worse and in the question of a minute you could be surprised by a call from that beloved friend of yours of whom you have taken the pencil, that will be a common situation for a girls in 1st or nearly that gae, but in the future life will have to change and we should know what to do so our actions can change dramatically our future, even if it is a joke, you can be surprised by anything that may interrupt you from what you are doing, so be careful, prepare to be surprised, always try to do your best and plan the worst in every time of your lives...
We have already gone through a situation wich we had to REALLY follow this tips, we had to be prepared to be surprised, try our best and plan the worst( wich I don´t think it might happen beause they are all very friendly) but if we don´t remember, we have wrote on a piace of paper three names we if people we really like and appreciate, and it will be a greate change next year for all of us to be in a class with people you hadn´t been in your lives wich will be lots of fun and interesting to know and to make new friends...
Miss Ale,
You are right that a lot of people are using this useful tool. The blog helps you in school and also shows responsability towards school and teachers. I try to blog as much as I can but sometimes I dont blog for a long time. Now, that we are finishing the year and all the final exams are coming, it will sort of difficult to blog... This is because we need to study a lot for the exams to pass to secondary!!!! Me personally, think that the first part of the year and the last part are the most difficult ones. In the first part of the year because everything is new and somethings might look/be difficult. The last part because you have to put a great effort and study a lot for the test, exams and also to be prèpared for 7th that is (soposilly) very difficult. I will study very hard to finish off primary well. I wish everybody realises what I mentioned before becuase I think it is important.
sofi ks
Miss Ale,
I also see that ! I can see that many more people are blogging and that its really full of comments. But that also depends on how the posts are. Honestly, the posts are very good ! I love the " reflection of the week" I love to express myself and that everyone can do it. Its also very fun !! Well, about the reflection: Its also like saying that you must plan if something bad happens, because you must be prepared and be prepared to be surprised. Anything can happen !!
Well, see you on monday !!!!!
Thank you Ale I was also surprised when I saw that big comments of some girls I was really surprised and I couldnt belive it. I think that many girls are wanting to be very good bloggers and have a lot of house points jajaja!! This lasts weeks 6c has gone crazy onj blogging!!!!!!! that is really good because it means that it is a good blog and that it has funny things which entertain us. It is a really useful tool the blog because we can learn very important things.
i wait a while before blogging because if not i will have to put two commentsin the same post, i tink the blog was a very good idea of you and marta beause it helps to keep in touch with school but not only with language but with all happening in school.tomas.s
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