Final exams are an important component of the learning experience at school. During this period, you will have an opportunity to reflect on what you have learned and integrate course material in a long-lasting and meaningful way. All the best!
Miss Ale: I think that exams are good to lear all the subjects we have been learning all over the year. It is a good way of excversing our braines. By the way, sorry for not typing the essay for tuesday now I typed it and I sent it to you. Sorry!!!!
Hi there! I think that what you say is really true. They are a really important part in our learning experience at school and we have to give all our best. We will have to put into practice what we´ve learnt and show to other people what we have been doing throught the year. They are really important because they are a great part in our learning and not only because the marks are really important, but because there we can see what we can do and how far we have reached. Some people are afraid of final exams, but you have to think that it is just a revision on what you´ve been doing and that if you understand it well you will do your exam very well. The final exams are an opportunity for us to revise and check what we have been learning and also the things we don´t understand. I hope I do well in my exams. Maybe we find some exams easier than others and that is the way how we figure out what kind of subject is easier for us and what kind of subject we enjoy learning about. They are a great opportunity to reflect on what we have been learning. I´m sure everybody will do very good. For some exams we have to study more than others. Maybe some people don´t study about a subject because they understand it well. It all depends on the person. By the way, today I got my persuasive essay in science. Thank you! See you, Barbie M
Miss Ale... We are aproaching to the end of the year and the final exams are also aproaching. I am really nervous we need to study and pay attention so we do not go to december and not go to Mascardi. This last month is really important, know that we are having our exams for us to revise all what we learnt throughout this year 2008, and see if we were paying attention. Some subjects are easier and some much difficults. We have to improvise some mars if we have to low marks, but if we do not we are really lucky. For now I am not going to december and hope I do not go. This month I am trying to make my best and learn as much as I can. Hope everybody is also trying so that they also do not go to december, because going to Mascardi with all your friends from school, and afterwards we are maybe going to separate. I have faith and I think that everybody is going to pass and I hope to. See you tomorrow, Valerie P.
Miss Ale In my opinion i think that this is the best way to say what we feel that we only have one more month left and how we feel that we are starting to have the final exams. I think that most of the people are afraid that they are not going to pass. I`m am also scared but i always try to think positively, that i am going to pass and that i am going to get really good marks. You shouldn`t be scared, you should be proud of yourself doing this because it is that last step before going to middle school to start a new life but in secondary. It is true that some final exams may be difficult but if you study enough everything will go fine. It is also true that middle school will be in some way or another a bit difficult and we are going to work very hard and pay much more attention. I am also excited of having the language and lengua final exam because we are going to have to write a persusive essay or a story and i love writing. You are also going to pass the test if you have faith in you and think positively. That is always depending on the person because some people dont study a lot and then suffer the consecuences. I am going to study a lot for all the tests so i pass them all and go to middle school happy and proud of myself that i can get hear. When they give you the exam you dont have to get nervous at once and start saying that you cant doing because i think that some people get very scared and do that. What i always do and what all the teachers say that we are supposed to do is to always read everything before start writing. I always try to stay calm and you also get nervous because it is a final exam and it is whether you go to middle school happily or you have to go to December. I really have a lot of faith in everyone. Thank you for posting this so we can say what we feel. See you tomorrow.
miss ale: think the exams are good because in a way is to see hoe youre doing, if you understund and to see were your complications are. see you tomorrow oli.b
Miss Ale: My point of view is that exams are good for a student to understand and don't forget what he is has learn or is learning. Ale most of the comments Start with "I think-Personal opinion" but this blog is to release every opinion but mostly in the reflection of the week you have to put a comment of something that is not you personal opinion if you want you can but for me you have to think about the good of everyone. Well I also started my comment with "my point of view" but I am gpoing to finish with something good. These exams are good for everybody and they serve you for remembering what are you studying for a long time!! And by exams you can check if a boy has intellegince but don't want to use so by taking exams to people you can learn his abilities. But for most people studying for exams is hard and boring. Well finally exams are good for people to remind what they know but they don't really know if they know it. For example for me it is difficult to write a story but I went learning and I had exams that now I really thank the teachers who take me exams!! with exams you learn many things. Kisses Ines g.
Hi miss Ale I think thatexams are very IMPORTENT but realy the teaxers can put the final note as we go doing in the class work like in the 1st and 2nd part see you Mati K
Dear Miss Ale: THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR WISHES!!!!!!! I think that the exams are pretty important for us all, teachers and students. This may sound pretty rare because every kid, well, most of the kids, do not enjoy exams, becasue it is a the way they consider(taking in count other thigs like ATTITUDE)if you have to stay to re-do your test in January, and that is something we are ALL willyng to avoid specially this year because we have the trip to Mascardi. On the other hand, exams are a good way of learning to study correctly, to pay attention in class because if not we will do horrible at it, and it is a dicipline way of taking the final test in wich we will put all our gratest effort on it. I think that teacher also like to test us with exams because they will put different things all together for us to remember all through our vacations so when we get next year to middle school, we will have an idea of how to do certain things and how to show our expresions and ideas on a page, and that is really good. But the conts techers find to the exams is that it really takes lots of time to them to find the day that each 6th graders will have to do it, then they should also have to put lots of effort to work out all the different exercises that will be tested in the exam, and, apart from that, they will have to mach some questions wtih the spanish or english techer, wich will also be a great deal. If we go through all this, they have to do it really fast so that the days aren´t lost, so they really loos lots of time in wich they can spend with their familyies... I do think that we all do a great effort when the time of the exam comes up, so we should all remember to do our best and most important of all, we should remember to put lots of ATTITUDE, DEDICATION, AND PERSEVERANCE to our work, even if it doesn´t come out well, that is one of the things that counts most of all. I think that this are the conts and the pros of the exams... MISS ALE THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR SUPPORTING US WITH THIS COMMENT!!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HARD WORK AND DEDICATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU TO ALL TEACHERS!!!!!!!!!! BYE BYE.. SEE YOU SOON... CAMI W
Miss Ale I that you are right. The exams are a way of showing what we know, us, when we hear the word exam or test we get very nervous and we say "oh, no, exam I have to study!" But really you are testing us every single day at school. We get nervous by seeing the paper on our desks and the desks in rows and the silent there is in the class. In tests we have to give all our best so we show the teahcers what we know, but ofcourse we have to study also. Now we are all very nervous about the exams, and I include myself there. We learned a lot through out this period and we are going to contiune learning a lot. The test are not only important for the mark, although the mark is very important for the last term of our report cards, but afterwords know how much we know and how we can make it better so in seventh we don't have difficulties any more. We think some exams are easier than the otehr but really it is how much we know about that subject and we are good at it or not. For example, my and maths, I find maths very difficult so for the math test a study more to go right on the test, and also after studying I know all the things that for me were difficult to understand. To sum up, I want to say that we shouldn't be so scared about the exams, although teacher tell us that we have to study a lot becuase if not we are going to december. Well, if you someone feels they have to go to december then put your best on studying and on the test and be confident that you know what to do and also, be confident about yourself. If you are not confident then go and ask a teacher that could really help you. SO DON'T BE SCARED AT EXAMS... PUT YOUR BEST AND BE HAPPY YOU ARE GOING TO SEVENTH! Oh, about hte essay that we did today, Next class I want to continue doing it and finish the ADVANTAGES of having less homework! And another thing, that you don't have to compare us with the children of other schools becuase as my mother says, Care about your problems not otehrs, if the otehr want asks you to help him with a problem then do so, but if not, is none of your bussiness!! MISS ALE THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS REFLECTION OF THE WEEK!! SEE YOU SOON... Kiki
HI Miss Ale: THanks for the support you did to us on this comment. I think it could help us and cheer us up. MAybe not help us on the exams, but maybe when you do the exams you will feel more confident. Thats very importaint, to feel secure in a test and not to be nervous or think negative like "Oh no Im going to fail what will I do " etc.. But maybe you dont do that on all, because maybe for me Language is more easier than to another person, so that depends on what the person feels about the exam, I mean about the subject, it depends on how you feel. But, if you think about it, its only all we learnt through out the year in the classes, and if you payed attention you should have and idea of what it is. So, you must not be afraid and study as maniaks ( how do you write that word ??!! ) because its all you know, and the teacher wont ask you something you dont know, so dont be afraid or nervous. ( well somethings you are nervous. ) I have to go to sleep miss Ale ! thank you for the help and support you do for us ! See you tomorrow, byeeee, oli gg
Miss Ale: I also want to add that when you study you must not get desesperated if you dont know something, you must take it easy and study the way you know, or can. See you know yes Im leaving ! bye bye ! oli g.
Miss Ale, I think that final exams are good because this way the teacher can see what you had learned all troughtout the year which is very important. I like that, the only thing is that sometimes you get nervous because you think that WOW is the final test so you get very worried and do all wrong because you are nervous. That happened to my last year, when I was in Northlands, because I wasn´t used to do final exams so although I had studied a lot I was very very nervous and I wento wrong some few answers, but anyways my tests were very good. I think that what you said in the post is true, because they are very important, such as attitude if you have a good mark in a subject but you have a very but behaiviour in class, and you do not do the homeworks for example you don´t have a good attitude and it will take a lot of the points of your final mark of this report card. I really apritiate that you put this post so we can express our feelings about the final year test, which by the way it is a good reflection of the week. I always get nervous on tests, even if it isn´t a final one, I don´t know why but... well then when I read it all I relax because I had studied and I know about it, the bad thing is when you don´t study because you think it is easy and then you find that the test is very difficuld and that there are a lot of things you don´t remember. Thats the bad thing whe you don´t study. It is better to study just a little if you don´t have much time than not studing a little bit. Our firsts test is of Lengua, that we have to write a story, I am very anxious to start writting it because I already have the story finished and I don´t want to forget it, because if not it would be a disaster!! I am also very anxious to write the persuassive essay in Language, I think that would be very fun. Because I love writting, I think that it is a lovely way that helps you imagination flyies away. Thanks again for putting this post, it will really help us a lot. Sorry for writting it very late jaja. Thanks for the wishes, I hope I had a good mark in the tests, and I wish everybody good luck too.
Miss Ale, I think that exams are good to learn all the subjects we have been learning all this year. You have to study hard and don´t say: I´m not going to study because I already learn it. You have to study hard until you know it by hard and correctly, that you can write it clear in your own words. This will help you in all the classes. ignacio v
Thank you! I wish you all the best correcting our exams. I hope I do well in all my exams, I am very nervous! The first one I have is Lengua, tomorrow!!!!! I think I know what I am going to write about, but still I have to "polish" it. Right now I am in computers, in the middle break. I've been studying all week, and I think I am prepared now. I wrote 2 stories to practice for spanish, and 1 for english. Wll miss ale, I hope I do well in the exams, WISH ME LUCK!!! see you tomorrow!!!
I think that the exams are good beause you can test urself and see how your going. For these last exams we will have to give all we have since there the last exams that determine if you are going to mascardi or not.. Not only we have to study alot only because mascardi but also becasuse you have to learn which will help you for next year. see you ale, edward
Miss Ale, I think the final exams will be extremply complicated! We will all have to study a lot for them. And its true that these final exams are a reflection on what we have lerant during the year. Some exams will be longer than others and some will be more difficult that others... One of the good things is that in not all the subjects there will be a final exam. I cant believe that in more or less 4 weeks we will finish PRIMARY! I cant believe that next year we will be in middle school! I always think about how will secondary be and if it will be as difficult as I imagine it or not that much... See you, sofi ks
MISS ALE The purpose of the test is to make a final review of the topics covered and assessment of each student's knowledge of the subject. Not all courses or curricula culminate in a final exam; instructors may assign a term paper or final project in some courses. The weighting of the final exam also varies. It may be the largest -— or only -— factor in the student's course grade; In other cases, it may carry the same weight as a midterm exam, or the student may be exempted. Not all finals need be cumulative, however, as some simply cover the material presented since the last exam. For example, a microbiology course would only cover fungi and parasites on the final exam (not on the previous exam!) if this were the policy of the professor, and all other subjects presented in the course would then not be tested on the final exam. THIS ALSO MEANS THAT YOU HAVE TO DO WELL IN YOUR FINAL EXAMS SO THAT YOU PASS TO TH NEXT YEAR(IN OWER CASE SERVENTH)ENRICHING YOUR KNOWLAGE.tHIS ALSO SHOWS TO YOUR TEACHERS HOW MUCH YOU HAVE ACOMPLISHEDAND LEARTN IN THIS YEAR. IN SECONDFARY WE ARE GOING TO HAVE DIFFERENT TIPES OF EXAMS.Prior to the examination period most students have a week or so of intense revision and study . SEE YOU TOMORROW CLARITA .C.
I think this is very true. Many people think that exams are boring and that it only serves us for making us studing but I think that although exams you have to study and are maybe boring in the other hand it is like a revesion of what you have done only that with fix dates and the name of FINAL EXAM.
I hate exams just the name of it makes me feel bad. Even thow when I¨studie I have good marks in the test. But exams are not all paying attention in class and participating. Helps you having good marks in the report card. Even thow you use the mark of the exam you also use the home work and what is done in other exams. Even we are talking about exams. I think having less homework is good and please do it the children will thank you. With less home work we could blog more wiki more sudie more. A bunch of good things. We could play out side. But we have to do our home work and stay in side. Can't we do the home work at school and not calle it home but class work. You had the idea of making an Esay of having less homework and Im convincisn you.
Miss alee! I think that thee exams aree veryy important because is the last effortt of the year. We have to study very hard for them! If not you will have many consicuances you will be in december or februaryy. I dont't wantt too be there! Hope that I wouldn't. I rememberd also that we have the important glass! we also have to be carefull of that see you tomorrow Barbie Portela
Hi Miss Ale!! I really don´t like much final exams, because they put me on preasure, but I agree in some ways that final exams are an opportunity to reflect on what we´ve learned throught this year, and what we remember of the begining of the year, which in Languiage its not the case, but in maths and matematica it is difficult to remember what we did at the begining. MISS ALE DON´T LOOSE YOUR HOPE I US, WE ARE STILL BLOGGERS!!! Bye, Bye Juli.G
Miss Ale I think that Exams are complicated and you have to study aiiot for them and if you dont pass you have to take it again some other time georgej
Miss Ale, I gave the Lengua exam and for me it was easy but I was really nearvous. I think that being nervous is a bad thing because you can`t consentrated when doing the exam. I wish that in the final easey I would take a good mark. See you soon, SAntos D.
Thank you Ale and I will try not to get so nervous. We aare very lucky because we dont have so much exams as some years before!!!! bye and thank you vicente
im scared although all the teachers tell us not to put nervepus because if ou have doone an avarege or goog work throught the terms you should go well or as mariana says if you don´t catch the train now it will go and leave you.tomas.s
Miss Ale, The exams are very important because the inculde everything we have learnt in all the year. So if you payed attention in class and you understood everything you will make very good exams. You have to practice a lot, specialy if you did't do well in that subject because you didn't understand very well. Everyone knows which subject is the easier or the most difficult one for them, so they know in which one to study more or less, depending on what they know about each one. If you always listened to the the teacher you will know what the exam is going to be abuot and you will be able to have good results, because the teacher will make the exam only about what we have learnt and not anythig else. Well see you, Sofi S
Hello Ale, I think that the test are very important for this year and that if you work hard you gain what you deserve but if you do not work hard you will probably don`t achieve that. And it is true that they are very importandt for our educational life.
Miss Ale:
I think that exams are good to lear all the subjects we have been learning all over the year. It is a good way of excversing our braines. By the way, sorry for not typing the essay for tuesday now I typed it and I sent it to you. Sorry!!!!
see you,
Hi there!
I think that what you say is really true. They are a really important part in our learning experience at school and we have to give all our best. We will have to put into practice what we´ve learnt and show to other people what we have been doing throught the year. They are really important because they are a great part in our learning and not only because the marks are really important, but because there we can see what we can do and how far we have reached. Some people are afraid of final exams, but you have to think that it is just a revision on what you´ve been doing and that if you understand it well you will do your exam very well. The final exams are an opportunity for us to revise and check what we have been learning and also the things we don´t understand. I hope I do well in my exams. Maybe we find some exams easier than others and that is the way how we figure out what kind of subject is easier for us and what kind of subject we enjoy learning about. They are a great opportunity to reflect on what we have been learning. I´m sure everybody will do very good. For some exams we have to study more than others. Maybe some people don´t study about a subject because they understand it well. It all depends on the person.
By the way, today I got my persuasive essay in science.
Thank you!
See you,
Barbie M
Miss Ale...
We are aproaching to the end of the year and the final exams are also aproaching. I am really nervous we need to study and pay attention so we do not go to december and not go to Mascardi. This last month is really important, know that we are having our exams for us to revise all what we learnt throughout this year 2008, and see if we were paying attention. Some subjects are easier and some much difficults. We have to improvise some mars if we have to low marks, but if we do not we are really lucky. For now I am not going to december and hope I do not go. This month I am trying to make my best and learn as much as I can. Hope everybody is also trying so that they also do not go to december, because going to Mascardi with all your friends from school, and afterwards we are maybe going to separate. I have faith and I think that everybody is going to pass and I hope to.
See you tomorrow,
Valerie P.
Miss Ale
In my opinion i think that this is the best way to say what we feel that we only have one more month left and how we feel that we are starting to have the final exams. I think that most of the people are afraid that they are not going to pass. I`m am also scared but i always try to think positively, that i am going to pass and that i am going to get really good marks. You shouldn`t be scared, you should be proud of yourself doing this because it is that last step before going to middle school to start a new life but in secondary. It is true that some final exams may be difficult but if you study enough everything will go fine. It is also true that middle school will be in some way or another a bit difficult and we are going to work very hard and pay much more attention. I am also excited of having the language and lengua final exam because we are going to have to write a persusive essay or a story and i love writing. You are also going to pass the test if you have faith in you and think positively. That is always depending on the person because some people dont study a lot and then suffer the consecuences. I am going to study a lot for all the tests so i pass them all and go to middle school happy and proud of myself that i can get hear. When they give you the exam you dont have to get nervous at once and start saying that you cant doing because i think that some people get very scared and do that. What i always do and what all the teachers say that we are supposed to do is to always read everything before start writing. I always try to stay calm and you also get nervous because it is a final exam and it is whether you go to middle school happily or you have to go to December. I really have a lot of faith in everyone. Thank you for posting this so we can say what we feel. See you tomorrow.
Lucia V
miss ale:
think the exams are good because in a way is to see hoe youre doing, if you understund and to see were your complications are.
see you tomorrow
Miss Ale:
My point of view is that exams are good for a student to understand and don't forget what he is has learn or is learning. Ale most of the comments Start with "I think-Personal opinion" but this blog is to release every opinion but mostly in the reflection of the week you have to put a comment of something that is not you personal opinion if you want you can but for me you have to think about the good of everyone. Well I also started my comment with "my point of view" but I am gpoing to finish with something good. These exams are good for everybody and they serve you for remembering what are you studying for a long time!! And by exams you can check if a boy has intellegince but don't want to use so by taking exams to people you can learn his abilities. But for most people studying for exams is hard and boring. Well finally exams are good for people to remind what they know but they don't really know if they know it. For example for me it is difficult to write a story but I went learning and I had exams that now I really thank the teachers who take me exams!! with exams you learn many things.
Ines g.
Hi miss Ale
I think thatexams are very IMPORTENT but realy the teaxers can put the final note as we go doing in the class work like in the 1st and 2nd part
see you
Mati K
I think that the exams are pretty important for us all, teachers and students. This may sound pretty rare because every kid, well, most of the kids, do not enjoy exams, becasue it is a the way they consider(taking in count other thigs like ATTITUDE)if you have to stay to re-do your test in January, and that is something we are ALL willyng to avoid specially this year because we have the trip to Mascardi. On the other hand, exams are a good way of learning to study correctly, to pay attention in class because if not we will do horrible at it, and it is a dicipline way of taking the final test in wich we will put all our gratest effort on it. I think that teacher also like to test us with exams because they will put different things all together for us to remember all through our vacations so when we get next year to middle school, we will have an idea of how to do certain things and how to show our expresions and ideas on a page, and that is really good. But the conts techers find to the exams is that it really takes lots of time to them to find the day that each 6th graders will have to do it, then they should also have to put lots of effort to work out all the different exercises that will be tested in the exam, and, apart from that, they will have to mach some questions wtih the spanish or english techer, wich will also be a great deal. If we go through all this, they have to do it really fast so that the days aren´t lost, so they really loos lots of time in wich they can spend with their familyies... I do think that we all do a great effort when the time of the exam comes up, so we should all remember to do our best and most important of all, we should remember to put lots of ATTITUDE, DEDICATION, AND PERSEVERANCE to our work, even if it doesn´t come out well, that is one of the things that counts most of all. I think that this are the conts and the pros of the exams...
Miss Ale
I that you are right. The exams are a way of showing what we know, us, when we hear the word exam or test we get very nervous and we say "oh, no, exam I have to study!" But really you are testing us every single day at school. We get nervous by seeing the paper on our desks and the desks in rows and the silent there is in the class. In tests we have to give all our best so we show the teahcers what we know, but ofcourse we have to study also. Now we are all very nervous about the exams, and I include myself there. We learned a lot through out this period and we are going to contiune learning a lot. The test are not only important for the mark, although the mark is very important for the last term of our report cards, but afterwords know how much we know and how we can make it better so in seventh we don't have difficulties any more. We think some exams are easier than the otehr but really it is how much we know about that subject and we are good at it or not. For example, my and maths, I find maths very difficult so for the math test a study more to go right on the test, and also after studying I know all the things that for me were difficult to understand.
To sum up, I want to say that we shouldn't be so scared about the exams, although teacher tell us that we have to study a lot becuase if not we are going to december. Well, if you someone feels they have to go to december then put your best on studying and on the test and be confident that you know what to do and also, be confident about yourself. If you are not confident then go and ask a teacher that could really help you.
Oh, about hte essay that we did today, Next class I want to continue doing it and finish the ADVANTAGES of having less homework!
And another thing, that you don't have to compare us with the children of other schools becuase as my mother says, Care about your problems not otehrs, if the otehr want asks you to help him with a problem then do so, but if not, is none of your bussiness!!
HI Miss Ale:
THanks for the support you did to us on this comment. I think it could help us and cheer us up. MAybe not help us on the exams, but maybe when you do the exams you will feel more confident. Thats very importaint, to feel secure in a test and not to be nervous or think negative like "Oh no Im going to fail what will I do " etc.. But maybe you dont do that on all, because maybe for me Language is more easier than to another person, so that depends on what the person feels about the exam, I mean about the subject, it depends on how you feel. But, if you think about it, its only all we learnt through out the year in the classes, and if you payed attention you should have and idea of what it is. So, you must not be afraid and study as maniaks ( how do you write that word ??!! ) because its all you know, and the teacher wont ask you something you dont know, so dont be afraid or nervous. ( well somethings you are nervous. )
I have to go to sleep miss Ale !
thank you for the help and support you do for us !
See you tomorrow,
oli gg
Miss Ale:
I also want to add that when you study you must not get desesperated if you dont know something, you must take it easy and study the way you know, or can.
See you know yes Im leaving !
bye bye !
oli g.
Miss Ale,
I think that final exams are good because this way the teacher can see what you had learned all troughtout the year which is very important. I like that, the only thing is that sometimes you get nervous because you think that WOW is the final test so you get very worried and do all wrong because you are nervous. That happened to my last year, when I was in Northlands, because I wasn´t used to do final exams so although I had studied a lot I was very very nervous and I wento wrong some few answers, but anyways my tests were very good. I think that what you said in the post is true, because they are very important, such as attitude if you have a good mark in a subject but you have a very but behaiviour in class, and you do not do the homeworks for example you don´t have a good attitude and it will take a lot of the points of your final mark of this report card. I really apritiate that you put this post so we can express our feelings about the final year test, which by the way it is a good reflection of the week. I always get nervous on tests, even if it isn´t a final one, I don´t know why but... well then when I read it all I relax because I had studied and I know about it, the bad thing is when you don´t study because you think it is easy and then you find that the test is very difficuld and that there are a lot of things you don´t remember. Thats the bad thing whe you don´t study. It is better to study just a little if you don´t have much time than not studing a little bit. Our firsts test is of Lengua, that we have to write a story, I am very anxious to start writting it because I already have the story finished and I don´t want to forget it, because if not it would be a disaster!! I am also very anxious to write the persuassive essay in Language, I think that would be very fun. Because I love writting, I think that it is a lovely way that helps you imagination flyies away. Thanks again for putting this post, it will really help us a lot. Sorry for writting it very late jaja. Thanks for the wishes, I hope I had a good mark in the tests, and I wish everybody good luck too.
See you and Thanks ,
Shany M
Miss Ale,
I think that exams are good to learn all the subjects we have been learning all this year. You have to study hard and don´t say: I´m not going to study because I already learn it. You have to study hard until you know it by hard and correctly, that you can write it clear in your own words. This will help you in all the classes.
ignacio v
Thank you!
I wish you all the best correcting our exams. I hope I do well in all my exams, I am very nervous! The first one I have is Lengua, tomorrow!!!!! I think I know what I am going to write about, but still I have to "polish" it. Right now I am in computers, in the middle break. I've been studying all week, and I think I am prepared now. I wrote 2 stories to practice for spanish, and 1 for english. Wll miss ale, I hope I do well in the exams, WISH ME LUCK!!!
see you tomorrow!!!
I think that the exams are good beause you can test urself and see how your going. For these last exams we will have to give all we have since there the last exams that determine if you are going to mascardi or not.. Not only we have to study alot only because mascardi but also becasuse you have to learn which will help you for next year.
see you ale,
Miss Ale,
I think the final exams will be extremply complicated! We will all have to study a lot for them. And its true that these final exams are a reflection on what we have lerant during the year. Some exams will be longer than others and some will be more difficult that others... One of the good things is that in not all the subjects there will be a final exam. I cant believe that in more or less 4 weeks we will finish PRIMARY! I cant believe that next year we will be in middle school! I always think about how will secondary be and if it will be as difficult as I imagine it or not that much...
See you,
sofi ks
The purpose of the test is to make a final review of the topics covered and assessment of each student's knowledge of the subject.
Not all courses or curricula culminate in a final exam; instructors may assign a term paper or final project in some courses. The weighting of the final exam also varies. It may be the largest -— or only -— factor in the student's course grade;
In other cases, it may carry the same weight as a midterm exam, or the student may be exempted. Not all finals need be cumulative, however, as some simply cover the material presented since the last exam. For example, a microbiology course would only cover fungi and parasites on the final exam (not on the previous exam!) if this were the policy of the professor, and all other subjects presented in the course would then not be tested on the final exam.
IN SECONDFARY WE ARE GOING TO HAVE DIFFERENT TIPES OF EXAMS.Prior to the examination period most students have a week or so of intense revision and study .
miss ale
last coment was mine
clarita c
I think this is very true. Many people think that exams are boring and that it only serves us for making us studing but I think that although exams you have to study and are maybe boring in the other hand it is like a revesion of what you have done only that with fix dates and the name of FINAL EXAM.
Luis G (the blogger)
Miss ALe
I hate exams just the name of it makes me feel bad. Even thow when I¨studie I have good marks in the test. But exams are not all paying attention in class and participating. Helps you having good marks in the report card. Even thow you use the mark of the exam you also use the home work and what is done in other exams. Even we are talking about exams.
I think having less homework is good and please do it the children will thank you. With less home work we could blog more wiki more sudie more. A bunch of good things. We could play out side. But we have to do our home work and stay in side. Can't we do the home work at school and not calle it home but class work. You had the idea of making an Esay of having less homework and Im convincisn you.
Thomas w
The exams are very important and it teach us a lot and in the exams we put all that we know.
Miss alee!
I think that thee exams aree veryy important because is the last effortt of the year. We have to study very hard for them!
If not you will have many consicuances you will be in december or februaryy.
I dont't wantt too be there!
Hope that I wouldn't.
I rememberd also that we have the important glass! we also have to be carefull of that
see you tomorrow
Barbie Portela
Hi Miss Ale!!
I really don´t like much final exams, because they put me on preasure, but I agree in some ways that final exams are an opportunity to reflect on what we´ve learned throught this year, and what we remember of the begining of the year, which in Languiage its not the case, but in maths and matematica it is difficult to remember what we did at the begining. MISS ALE DON´T LOOSE YOUR HOPE I US, WE ARE STILL BLOGGERS!!!
Bye, Bye
Miss Ale
I think that Exams are complicated and you have to study aiiot for them and if you dont pass you have to take it again some other time
Miss Ale, I gave the Lengua exam and for me it was easy but I was really nearvous. I think that being nervous is a bad thing because you can`t consentrated when doing the exam. I wish that in the final easey I would take a good mark. See you soon,
SAntos D.
miss Ale
In my opinion the exams are an important revition of all the year so thats why you have to study and ve atention at class all the year long.
good bye
Thank you Ale and I will try not to get so nervous. We aare very lucky because we dont have so much exams as some years before!!!!
bye and thank you
thank you miss ale for poisting this comment.
Before I to do the exams and get rid of them but now I realized that I don't have to get so nervous.
felipe s
im scared although all the teachers tell us not to put nervepus because if ou have doone an avarege or goog work throught the terms you should go well or as mariana says if you don´t catch the train now it will go and leave you.tomas.s
Miss Ale,
The exams are very important because the inculde everything we have learnt in all the year. So if you payed attention in class and you understood everything you will make very good exams. You have to practice a lot, specialy if you did't do well in that subject because you didn't understand very well. Everyone knows which subject is the easier or the most difficult one for them, so they know in which one to study more or less, depending on what they know about each one. If you always listened to the the teacher you will know what the exam is going to be abuot and you will be able to have good results, because the teacher will make the exam only about what we have learnt and not anythig else.
Well see you,
Sofi S
Hello Ale, I think that the test are very important for this year and that if you work hard you gain what you deserve but if you do not work hard you will probably don`t achieve that. And it is true that they are very importandt for our educational life.
Ramiro T
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