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You have already been working on Coexistence in Art. How can you connect it to the heroes you have been researching?
What does this image suggest people could do differently to live in greater harmony and peace with one another?
I think this picture shows that we can live all in peace and harmony withought discriminating people, I mean those people who do, don`t have reason to do it, just becuase the people that they are descriminating have a different type of skin?? whats the problem of that??
We all need the same respect and love, those people who desciminate what to they think?? that they are more by doing that?that those people who have a different skin are less becuase of that?? whatdo they win by doing that?? nothing, , we all deserve the same respect and love, well finally, my point is that we can all live withought descriminating..
see ya!! , kathi dodd!- :)-
bye,, kisses.
Miss Ale
This picture CAN BE REALTED to heroes, in heroes some people are doing Martin Luther King why fought for the rights of everyone. It is also related to heroes because you put the source!
Talking about the picture, I never understood why the black people were discriminated?! What is the problem with people with darker skin?! What does it bother?! Luckily we are now working on this in all countries, but before, why so much discrimination?!
Coexistence doesn't only mean discrimination; it means lots and lots of things. It means also love to earth take care of the things and that people whoa re different can be together and many, many other things.
This picture means that anyone can always fit in no matter what and the other people should discriminate the other.
Well, Miss Ale I hope you didn't miss me this weekend as before!!!
See you tomorrow...
Miss Ale
I think this picture shows us that it doesnt matter if we are different we all have the same rights. That picture shows that the black birds have an angry face. i think that they are angry because of what white men did to black people. I dont know what people feel when they are discriminating. I am sure that it is not a good feeling. Sometimes you dont even know that you are discriminating so we must be very careful to what we say to other people. I dont know why the white people are the good ones and the black people are less important. I think that the world would be a better world if we dont discriminate other people and that we all have the same rights. I think that that is what the picture shows us. I love these types of posts!!! SEE YOU TOMORROW!!!
Lucia V
Dear children; I enjoyed reading your reflections!
Miss Ale,
This is a very reflective picture. For me it means that everybody has the same rights and that they dont have to discriminate others just because they have different colours of skin or because they believe in other things(religion).
We should all live in peace in the world because we all live here and we should respect everybody. They really can´t think that because they have black skin they should be slaves or be treated different, thats what people think a lot of years before, but now, there are not slaves but people are still discriminating others. We all deserve the same respect as others because we are all people and have feelings. I can to the Hero Martin Luther King, he helped a lot in United States when he was a life, and now people with black skin have the same rights as white people. Thanks to him, the world change a lot, I really think he is a great hero, he was soo brave!
Changing subjects, I love the meaning of COEXCISTANCE! I really think that we are learning a lot with this proyect, I like the way we are learning it throw pictures in Art, and its until now that I can really related with Lengua and Language and also spetially in Literature, social studies and Sociales. Nearly all the subjects ! Thats great we are really learning the meaning and I hope we can really coexcist in peace in school and in life.
See you tomorrow,
Shany M
Dear Miss Ale: WOW!!!
I think that this is a very interesting, and conected comment about our project and about our social life. I think that it is related with interesting because you could enter to the page were all the paintings about coexistence and that was somthing I really enjoy by cheking why the creator of each painting thought that his/her painting(I got really impresed by the comment of Long Gang had wrote)I also think that this comment is very conected with our projects on Heroes and Leaders. I have worked on Helen Keller and I will say that Helen is very very realated to her becasue she fought for women´s rights and hse also made a difference in the way people with disabilities and many other really impresing things.I also think that this comment is conected very nearley every aspect of our social life because there are so many people suffering because of the way people think that they are more special than others, or think that if anybody does not look the same they do, they are not that special as they are, so they particulary don´t want to have them as a friend or they do not respect them. I think that we should all start to apreciate all of us as we are, and learn that each of us is very very special. I think that we should all start to realize that it doesn´t matter the color of your skin, the way you talk, the religion each one of us follows or any other t¿thing we think that people are doing badley of us or that we don´t do or like, we should tell people that we don´t like what they do or nothing that will harm him/her.
I think that all this project about coexistence has to do with heroes, and more deeply with Martin Luther King, who fought so much for discrimination about black people, but not only with him, but with a lot of other heroes. I believe that those who fight for coexistence are real heroes because are solving a huge problem on this planet. I would love that one day, all this problem would finally solve and no one ever discriminates someone again. That would be really great.
Well miss ale, I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow!!!
Hi Miss Ale!!
I can connect the work we did about coexsistence with the work we did in heroes, because Coexistence talks about, living together like a comunity in harmony, and that includes black and white people living in harmony. In the heroes project, we studied some heroes who fought for the peace of white and black people. One example is Martin Luther King. I can interprate, that this image suggests that people can live in harmony, by stopping the rassism to black people. Now I am only talking about rasism, but Coexistance talks in general of coexisting with all the comunity in harmony, not only with couloured skin peoople,but only with our enemies or people who respects other cultures. This people talks about rasism, about coexisting with couloured skin people and white people, I think that know theres not a big problem with rasism, but with the things we had investigate and talk in class I personal can´t believe that aalll black people where slaves and thatthey couldn´t BORROW BOOKS!! And that the had to give the seet to the white people. Now I laugh of the rasism jokes, but now that I think of that, that jokes are really descriminate and tehere not funny at all, laughing of other cultures its not funnny.
Well Miss Ale I finally blog!!
Bye, Juli.G
I think that about what we were doing in art we learnt a lo of coexistence. I think it isn't fair enough for people that have other type of skin to be ignored and badly treaten. W e have to put an end to this. And of that foto I think that it is about a lot of of black skinned people and the white skinned peron feels like different. Really its the other way around.
I think that picuture represents that there will be diffrences in cultures but we are all a same creature with some fisicul diffrences, we don´t have to do things such as the picuture shous to the people that are diffrent we don´t have to star at themor lagh at them or think they aren´t as good as you are you have to do what you like to be done, because as you see some people like not your ecalls there will be some other culture lucking at you saying that you are weared. Lots of the heros we are investigating highted for the right of a culture or the right of a wors social class. But the some thing I can say that my other taght my is that no mater how they treat you you have to treat the rest as you would like to be treated.
Hi miss ale
I bloged on the two coments in herous.
For me and my subject this is very conected because I have marthin luther king, and he foght bethween black and white people.
He was black and he wanted to coexist.
Mati k
Miss Ale,
I think I could relate it with what weve been working about heroes because it is has a razism message. I think that the image is not correct because it should be the majority of the birds in white and one in black. So that would mean that white people are not fair with black people. I really think descriminating is awfull but some people do descriminate... I think there is not a difference between black people and white people.
I think this image suggests that all the people should have the same rights. Everybody deservs to be treated nicely and not left out...
See you,
sofi k.
Miss ale
I studied about Craig Kielburger and he whanted to free the children that were slaves, and if you sit to think moust of the children who were slaves were afcan american and were poor.
And even now a days that they say that there is no more racism but that is a lie they steel now, I know that in some placis they are finishing the discrimination,and also is thanks to Martin Luther King that with his father they foght for the african american rights and that is not fair to be discriminating pierson that you dondt know the persons that are white skin coulor they think that they are superior like we are investigating now in Social Studies.
good bye
Miss Ale
The images that the artists of other countries make are very good. Some are very strong like the very significative, some are images with very good effects and some are like a drawing of a child the page is very interesting, the artists are of many parts of the world.
Bye Bye and thank you for posting this incredible and antistatic post. And the part of the hero, I think that one drawing that I saw makes me remember of one photo I saw once in Google looking for information of nelson Mandela. It was when he was in jail, in the crowd of colored people; there was a little crowd of white persons inside the bigger crowd. It makes me think that they coexisted because they want nelson Mandela free. Now yes good bye.
Maxi B
whem i see this picture and lots of the others vivi showed to us i think that we might be different in the outside but we are all the same we are all human beigns and we can have a social live together.tomas.s
hi miss ale...
I think that is it connected to what we are reaserching on heroes is that at first they were just as everyone but then they changed their own lives by doing something extremly good and help our planet and that made them different from us, but, we still treat them as they have to be treated although they are different from us and that is what coexistance means to live in peace with the person next to you and to treat he or her as a person no matter if that person is different from us and this image lets people to think that if he or she is treating good to the person next to he or she athough that person is different and that coexistance is a really important thing we need so as to conect to other people that surround us and that needs our help and that needs us to protect them because there are people that treat bad the black people and that they dont accept those people that are dark skinned only because they look different and that called discriminating and its really hurtful for that people that are dark skinned, but, maby inside of them they are just as we are and that what I think this picture leaves us as a message.
bye bye
valen g.
Miss Ale
I think that the picture and coexistence can be related to the hero project, because: many of our heroes are people who fought for rights. Like Martin Luther King, that helped coloured people. Well, about the picture: The picture is a typical coexistence example. But I dont really understand why white people discriminated the coloured people, becuse, we are all equal. Its only our skin colour! I mean, whats their problem !!¿??? Why were they so discriminated ! But I think it is good that know the world is trying to solve these problems, of discrimination. but not only with coloured people, also with other things, like the religion discrimination, (which religion you are, like the jews in WW2 ) Well, I think we must all try to not be mean topeople that are different to ourselfs, because, we are all the same, it doesnt matter which colour or religion we are ! So, allthough its only a tiny tiny small change, lets try to colaborate, helping each other !
Well see you tommorow
olii 6c
Miss Ale:
I think these picture means that all people have the same oportunity to be good for then to tick him well. And also it means for me that one white person can leave with a thosand black people and they all have to freiends.
Felipe Ba 6B
I think that the picture is a good example of descrimination. I remember reflecting on it with Vivi the art teacher. My reflection was that no matter how we are, how diffrent we are, we all have the same rights to make things and I connect this when in the story of Martin Luther King the part that he entered to the libary to take a book. We all need to be respected how we are because we deserve the same respect of any other people. Also we need to be with person not matter if they have another tipe of skin or if they are a diffrent religion, we all need to live and help each other and have the same rights as everyone! I think that the heroes help alot in the part of coexistence fighting for rights that people deserve and in some cases they are suffering and some heroes that then became recognized could change a life o a person. I think that if you are descrimined you fell very bad becasue we all live in a same world and we need to make the peolpe happy as every hero does, so we have to remember the heroes because as I said before they can change the world!
This comment made me reflect a lot of this so important that is the coexistence .
Lucila M
Well, Miss Ale this picture shows an image of what is happening now a days there is a lot of racism and discrimination it transmits that we must all respesct others and be together trying to coexist together with respect. We all deserve to be respected the same way and no matter the appearence of someone we must take in count the inside its feeling and be very careful with what we do.
I think that the project we have done in art has to do with many of our heroes we are studing about.But especcialy Martin Luther King because he faught for equal right. Coexistance is that we have to live all together in peace and with equal rigts.
max .k
Miss Ale I am missing another part of the comment, there are many places in the world such as in Africa that people are dark skined and white people feel supirior and are really selfish thinking just in their own, the image suggests us to start thinking and making a change without racism because we are really all the same, I think that this happened, when different type of races(human beans)started to coexits togetgger fighting for territory, respect and discriminating races as inferior people and now a days this stills happens in some parts of the war, in the image there are mant black penquins and in the middle a white one, they were all together and thats we must all do.! Alhtough that image can be taken in different points of viez because there were many black penguins and a white one in the middle as if all the penguins wanted to be with the white one or admired him, maybie as well as a supirior penquin! Well, we must make a change and try to coesxist all togeter. This i image can be taken with different points of view.
See you.
Miss Ale,
I think that coexistance has a lot to do with the heroes we are studying, becouse almost all the heroes that we saw were different from others and wanted to coexist more. Like Mandela who faught for all the people to have the same rights, black and white.
I think that that image shows how all the birds are together in harmony, without mattering the differences like there colour. And this is very good, since we all diserve the same rights. And the colour or things that you can see from outside have nothing to do with what someone is inside.
hulhi ALE
I think this about coexistence is something realy important and i got to realize that in this project it made me think why do people do this if everyone has the same types of feelings. It is just not polite, rude, supirior thinking, you could say childish and in one point spoild. Thinking you are the best the preties and etc is not good it just makes you a bad person and that is something we have to learn not to do. I mean descriminating someone for his skin colour his money if he has problems its just rediculus no matter how we are in the outside we are the same in the inside it makes no sence. Heroes was working alot in this project because they all helped humanity
Miss ale,
I think that I can relate art coexistence and heros in language.
Because heros fought for the rights of evry one distint languages, aperence, sikin colour and people with certain problems. As hellen keller.
In my house Ill go on
clarita c
HI!!! I loved the pictures of the coexistance page. It's amazing that people from all the world try to deal with discrimination. I liked one in particular, because at first, it was hard to undwerstand, but in the end, I could and I thought it was very good! I am talking about the one with the two chairs, and I think that the meaning is that, although there are separated by a line, they try to be together, no matter what happens. That is not the only picture I liked, but it was one of the ones that cought my attention the most. I think, although I already put it on the last post, that the heroes have a lot to do with coexistance.. Well Miss ale, see you tommorrow!
I think this picture showes how people can live in peace withought discriminaton and that it doesn't mater if the other person is differnt, you have to respect him. This has to do with some of the heores because some people managed to change the way of being of some people. It is very important to respect because if not they won't respect you. I also would like to say that it doesn't matter the skin that the other person has it is not his fault and you shouldn't descriminte him.
Se you ale,
Hello Ale this picture says that it doesnt matter our thoughts the colour of our skin or how we think, we can always live together. If you want to achieve something you always have to try hard and an answer will come.
Ramiro T
hello mis ale!!!!!!!! I think this image means that we can all live together and that although you think that maybe the other coloured peolpe are not people or anything that comes to their mind. but their maybe difrent from otside but not from inside. we should fight for this not to happen. Like to people I learnt about. they are Rosa Parks and Ghandi they fought although they could have been kiled like Rosa Parks but they fought and fought untill they could make some things better. I couldnt believe when I heard about that rosa parks didnt stand up in a bus seat when a white people came!!! I dont know so much about ghandi because I was studing about rene favaloro which saved my grandfathers live. Also the person who invented c.i.s.v was also a kind of heroes because she made people from many countries get together and have fun. ghandi and rosa parks made black people live in peace and harmony. WE SHOULD NEVER DISCRIMINATE OTHER PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!
bye bye
Dear Ale : I think that this picture shows us that we can live toughether in the same place in pace even thoug if we are of different colours of skin. and I wish if some thay we could live with the colord person.
hi miss ale I Think that this picture is of that all white people treated the black people bad and didnt have the same wrights so it expresses(for me) that the black people are triying to get a type of revenge they are in a larger group and demostraing how they were treated and that it was not a nice thing to do. (they are doing what the white once had done to the black people). But chanching a bit of the subject. I could see again all the pictures of coexistence and show some to my mom and also I could figure out that there were new ones.
bye bye
thomas d
Hello miss Ale
I think this photo is traying to say that it doesn´t matter if the colour of your skin is black or whait because really inside a black person and a white person can have the same personality like beeing good or beeing bad.
sorry miss Ale but the last comment was mine
Yes, we have been working on coexistence in Art, I think most of the humanity´s heroes fighted for coexistence:
Didn´t care if we had different religions, she cared on our acts.
Fighted for the rights of black people.
Helped people that had specific problems.
I didn´t work in All heroes/heroines, but I know that if they got too many prizes, and are so recognized by the world, they must have done something really good for humanity...
Andy P.
Miss Ale:
The picture you have post gives me the message that we all have to be happy with what we are and that we have to stop being mean to other persons, because maybe the person that you are ingoring and not helping is very kind and if you were like that person, that person would try the best to help you. So stop descriminating because it doesn`t has sense, is not funny to laugh at other people because of his/her skin.
Before looking at the persons outside, first look at the persons inside.
See you soon!!!
Hugs and Kisses
Miss Ale:
I think that the word coexistence has to do with my heroe; Craig Kielburger, because he help children of being slaves.
Isn`t him amazing? He is really a heroe!
Hello Miss Ale!
I would conected it with the descrimination, of razism, war peace and other religions. i think that it is veryy inmportant to now this of coexistence because it reaminds you that you also can help the world like Martin Luther king. Miss Ale i also remember this about the storie you told us about a black human that loved to read and could get in a libary because he was a black person; It doesn´t matter if you are of another religon or a black person the most important is whats inside. MArtin Luther king never gaved up and loved to help peop`le to not be descriminated. One day you gaved us story rosa parks about her bioagraphy and she also helped and neverf gave up and that is way heroes are so important, because they never give up thats why coexistence means... to live with other people.
see tomorrow!
george p
Miss Ale,
I think the picture shows that all white and black people can live together and if we live together we can make a better world. My heroe was Martin Luther King Jr and his best friend of the childhood was a white child and they played together, I think thaat if Martin Luther King Jr could be friends of a white person, everybody can be friends of black people and the world would be full of peace. I think it is wrong to discriminate people because of their skin, they don´t have the fault! I think that if more white persons go to live with black people and more black persons go to live with white people, they would be friends and enjoy being together.
I think that racism is a bad thing beacause people don´t have the fault of being black or white or cristian or jewish, they were born like that and were taught like that and that won´t change!!!
I hope you liked my comment,
Felipe M
I think it dont matters if the people is diferent of you or not, if he is good that is sufisient, and heros can be diferent of some people but they still are heros because they are good persons.
Martin T
I think that this image suggests people to accept another one that is different to you. We all need the same care, company and love between us. I think I can connect it with Hereos because a heroe will not discriminate, that what will a heroe do in a case of discrimanation. SOlve the problem by asking the people how would they feel if someone treated you like that. She/He will also ask for what they need to dsicriminate. If a person does that, solves a problem about this topic, does something to change it, or simply don't do it, they, will be a good example of a hero. I think that people who discriminated had no other thing to do or had fun doing that becuase now I don't understand what was the problem. Luckly nowadys there is much more less discrimination, but it still exists. I liked doing the project of Coexistance and the project of Heroes too! SO now I can conect them and make a super one! I would love to in some way go to the past to see what or who was that started this discrimination and tell him/her what people suffered about this! He will be very sorry for it! This would change history, but unfortunatly you can't change history, so it has to stay as how it is! I learnt a lot with this project about the past, and discrimination, becuase my heroe is also related wih this topic! Very interesting thing! I'm enjoying it a lot! Keep doing this projects so good planned!
A tip: Why don't you send an email with the site of the blog to the people of 4th and 5th so they can see what will THEY do on 6th!
See you soon,
I think that the heroes we are workig with are very realated to this because they all had a "critique" or something others didnt have bad or good. And it is a very loose of time critisase others because of different points of view, different colour of skin or any quality not everyone has, we are all different and that makes us unique. Whats wrong of having difference between people, or best saying between brothers an sisters, we are all humans and no one is less important than others, or no one is superior, to critisise someone because of the clour skin or differences in each one. In my case, that I reaserch Helen Keller, she was blind and deaf, and on top of that she never gave up, she gave all that she could and reached to the highest top that she could, that actually it was fantastic. For me The picture represents a band of black bird coexisting with a white one, for me the message of this image is to realize that we are all the same, that doesnt matter that we have to change because we are different to others(in a good way) everyone has his or her own personality, his or her way of looking, imagine if we were all the same no one would have a special gift to her o his self, it would be really sad and boring. We never have to forget that live is a boomerang that goes and comes back.
Miss ale,
I think that we can connect the hero project with this because many heroes fought for coexistence to exist in the world. The picture shows that we can all live together without caring about the different things each one has.
Iñaki S
The posted picture shows that we don´t have to leave others out just because they are different or because of their religion or because of their phisical looks. Our world is full of war, hatred and anger, the only thing people that discriminate is to add another thing to the list! That person all the same doesn´t get anything exept to loose a friend or to be hated by all your friends. Being descriminative is only a way of making the world a worst place than what it already is.
Martin S.
Hello Miss Ale
I think that this video is trying to tell people why can´t we live without the other persons to discriminate but lukily there are some other persons that fights for the person who has a darker colour in their skin like Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King
Bye Hideki
Miss Ale :
I think this means that we have to make this world a harmony and peacful living place! we hadn't do wars or such things. If we respect this we could all have a peacful lufe withouth fight or wars. This is such an imposible dream to come true if all of us do not coparate on it. This also includes not discriminating other people only because of there phisical appearance. We should judge people because of their inside and not because of their outside. well this is a very good description of what coexistence means
see youu,,
hi again miss ale,
I think this picture means that if we wouldn´t be discriminating people who are diferent like people with problems or some people to descriminate black people they think of them like the black people are infirior. For example there´s like a new group lets say that are called floggers some people treat them like wierds because they are diferent or some people treat them like if they were stranges, but for me and I think that for most people there just another group of people that are not infirior nor superior they are just like us but with another way to dress and difrents way to dance and diferent ways to do their hair. That picture is veryyyyy strong (for me) because it likes represents the amount of descrimination there is in the world and i think that that should kuikly change because of that way all people would participet and be part of the society.
I loved this post
I think that coexistence has lots to do with heroes because lots of people fought for coexistence and for peace. And if you are a hero you had to coexist with the people you fought for and sometimes with the ones against you.
I think the image shows us to coexist with people no matter how they look like or from which religion or country you are because we are all human being and b doing this we can live much more happier and also help other people to live in a better way. The image also makes you reflect about how you treat people only because they are different and shows you that there is no reason to discriminate and take them for a worse race.
we just should stop discriminating and taking them like they are!!
tizian s.
Hello Agian,
I would like to add some thing to my reflection.... I think that coexist is the same as living with my pars there are many "heros" such as roca and many others they say he concerd the desert but realy he has run over a culture that was there that is an exampel that is not coexistens no mater how much you don´t get well with a "friend" you must get to an agreyment and if that person doesn´t see the harm he is geting by axsepting that agrwyment you must not use that fact and make him agry what do you win by dowing it. It is a good thing to learn to coexiste because now we coexist with our pars but in the future we don´t now what will hapen porhaps we have to do a work with some one how is not responsable will have to get to an agrymente and you will loose some thing but you will also win some thing. It is not easy but in the future it may be simpler.
See you...
Miss Ale: I thnk this picture is related to racism and for example that I am studying Nelson MAndela was a black presindent of south africa and wanted to make changes of this. This pictures are to do with things that aresolved by heroes. Because the racism many heroes wanted to be just. For example others heroes make peace in many countries and this is a hero. And all this things are made by a group of perople very united. So all this has something to do. Harmony, Peace, heroes, Coexistence are words very related but in a very poin of view. These photos of coexistence means something of these MANY words: HEROES, HARMONY, PEACE, LOVE, RACISM...
Miss Ale, I think this picture show that there is discriminaton and really I don't understand it because really we are all the same in the way that we are all humans. I also that we cant live in peace and without violence because it all would be better. And also about discrimination is that it doesn't make sense to take people more account, treat them beater or those tipe of things because of there skin colour because that doesn't mark nothing if you are more important or not. I think that this people is really of discrimination, but in the world we shoudn't have discrimination neither violence.
See You
Sofi F
For me coexistence is very important because without coexistant we would think that we are better than another person and we are wrong because every one is the same. In the outside we are different but in our inside we are all the same. "Don´t judge a book for it´s cover". In the outside everyone is different but in the inside we are ALL the same remember this.
Tomas. A
I can connect this image to heroes because heroes want the world to be coexistence. They want no rascism, no discrimination and world peace. In this picture are all black and one white. The good thing is that the black birds accept the white bird, dont thinking of the different colour he has. The heroes have done a lot of times and whant the other people to do it also
I think the picture shows a culture that are all people of the same raze and there is one that is white. So we have like ¨learn¨ from them. We have to be very carefull with this tipe of subject because maybe people talk of this like a funny thing and this may hurt lots of feelings and when they are cross or hurt you say ¨ha ha look at that boy who gets hurt by nothing, and thats why we have to respct and love! This is a very good subject but we have to be CAREFUL!
Miss Ale:
I think that this image is very good for all the world and I think that all the world has to see it so that people can have contience of what they are doing. Not also to coexist with other people, also with nature, we are destructing our natural resourses! The heroes we are studying now are directly related to the theme of coexistence because they could coexist with other people to make a better world. I love this theme because it makes me reflect a lot. Also I pint out the artists that did all this art pieces because they do them very well and they do it with all their hearts. Thank you miss ale for making me reflect with myself this moment.
tommy P
I think this pictures want to trasmite that what is the problem to have other type of skyn.I really do not understund that people who by beenig of white skyn have to discriminate,all the people dont mater if it i another culture or have different type of leaving have to be descriminated.The problem of the racims that they dont think how that people can be feeling is NOT FAIR !!:( they are hearting other peole and dont think, first you have to think what you are doing and if it gonna heart th eperson but unfurtunatly is not like that they think they can do what they want and heart other people and they dont mind!!This peacture can be related with heros because I no some heros who wanted no descrimination in the world an d help people and try to fight fo beeing fair for the cyticen,like Martin Luther King his goal was to help the color skyn people!!! I think i DONT have any thing more to say that all I ALL READY TOLD IT.:)
niki.c !! bye see you
Hi there!
I think this photo is very showing. By seeing it you can understand what it is to coexist. I didn´t even know the word before we started talking about it in art. I can connect all we havve learnt to the heroes we have been searching because Martin Luther King and Eleanor Roosevelt fought for the rights of black people. They wanted everybody to be treated the same way and not be discriminated by the colour, this is what the picture shows.
As I´m doing Eleanor Roosevelt I know more about her than about other heroes, and I know she also fought for the rights of women and children and we should all thank her for what she did. I think this image suggests that people could live in greater harmony and peace with one another if we were all treated equaly. I really liked the exposition of coexistence. I liked both things, I liked to see the pictures that people from other parts of the world had done and discuss it and I also liked to make our own pictures with the class. We all had to agree on what to do and it was really a lot of fun.
See you,
Barbie M
hi ale again in this post sorry ill have to wright it again because i didn´t rellydid it with a lot of effort, i think this picture and lots of others i saw, i think this is about how differences between us ar not bad, we ar all different and we have to live in society all togethe7r doesn´t matter how you look or from where are you we are all humans and dicrimination is not the way to solve things.tomas.s
Miss Ale:
I think coexistence has to do with heros because some of the heros fought for peace and for people to stop fighting and what coexistence means is we have to be all together we have to get along in peace no matter all our differences we live in the same world and we have to live in peace
I think that the picture shouse that black can live with white people but white can not live with black and that does not have sense. I think that dicrimination is a waist of time and of moneny builthing things that are just of white and things that are jest for balack
Agustin. D
I think this picture shows all in one and same world. We can live all togeher in peace without wars and a all that. We can`t diiscrimanate other people if it is of other skin. Like this white bird is with other black birds
Valentin M
Miss ale:
I think this project we are doing in art and now in Language with the heroes is very interesting. We are reading in Literature a book called Number the Stars that its also related to all this of Coexistence because they talk about how the nazis descriminated to the Jewish people, in this case is of religion but it could also be because of the colour of the skin or of the way they talk or in their aspects. I relate this quote to the heroes because one example that we are doing in this project is Martin Luther King that had a black skin. I think this all is racism because what do they matter that people have a different colour of skin or if they are fatter or thiner, taller or shorter, smarter or sillier, etc. For me its all the same!
This left me a "moraleja", that you don't have to bull anyone and less your friends, because its not nice to do it and do you know the saying of "do not do the things you wouldn't like them to do you
(no hagas las cosas que no te gustaria que te hagan).
Hope everyone thinks the same
hi ale Im back
i think that we can relateed to mandelka because he fought for all peoples rights black and white
no matter who they were or what they had donew to theire one countryt .
clarita C.
Miss Ale...
For me Coexistence has to do with our Hero proyect, because some heroes like Martin Luther King did things so that all the world lives in peace and everybody coexist. I really liked when we went and saw the different works of arts and try to find the meaning of each, and sometimes I wanted to tell my opinion on every work of art. When I saw the paintings of all the grades related to coexistence was really interesting to, because I needed to try and find out what the meaning was (like when we saw the works of art in Art).
See you on Monday,
Valerie P.
This picture shows that we can all live together no matter what race we are from nor if we speek a different language. People who fought for this right of bieng able to live all together are now known as heroes. For example Martin Luthe King, Mandela or Ghandi.
have a nice day
Nicolas M.
Miss Ale,
I think that it means that it doesn´t import the out part but yes the inside. also that we are all the same it doesn´t change the colour of skin. We have to leave in peace.
I think that the image means that we can all live together in this world dispite our diferences if it is our collor,or our capibility it dosent make you any better or any wors. It doesnt matter, we can all live together on this earth.
George Jolly
Miss Ale,
This has a lot to do with some heroes because many of them fought for human rigths and it has to do with the ones who fought to avoid discriminaton. I think that we shouldn´t discriminate because although our skin is of a different coluor, we are all the same. I don´t understand why people discriminate.
See you
Sofi S
Miss Ale,
I think this picture tries to tell us a very important thing in life . For me it means that we dont have to discriminate people just because they are different , it isnt fair for them. I would relate it to heroes because a hero in this case would be a person that instead of discriminating defends the rights of those peoples . If people discriminated me I would feel very sad and left out because we all have to have the same rights in life . Thats why if we know someone with problems or different we always have to make him/her feel happy and part of us .
I think that this picture tries to say that we have to like the other person how he is, doesn´t matter if he has black or white skin. I can´t anderstand why they treated better the white people than the black, why they said the white ones are better. My heroe is Martin Luther King Jr, he had black skin and he fought for his people to be treated as white people. I would like a world with out discriminating. Im really against discrimination, maybe its the thing I hate more in life, I don´t now but I really hate it!!! What is the problem with the dark skin??? is white skin better??? I think its all the same and we don´t have to discriminate. There are many things like that Examples: They all say being thin its better than being a bit fat, or being tall its better than being short,etc. I can´t see the diference, I agree than neither being very fat is good nor being very thin, also being very tall isn´t good or being very short. nothing is good when its many food, water, etc or when its very tall, short, etc. On top of it doesn´t matter if you are very blakc but if you are very white yes. Really that is not the message , the massage is that: YOU DON´T HAVE TO DISCRIMINATE ANYBODY!!!
Bye Miss Ale
See you tomorrow!!!
Santi B
miss ale
for my oppinion the picture shows that still being different in the out looking we can live together.I think that they are the same of as because they can think like as , move,ect.
have a nice day.
Miss Ale: I think that coexistence is similar as what the goals the heroes we studied have. Defending the equal rights of the races and rights of children or the rights of the handicapped. When you see the paintings of coexistence you have the feeling that is not only a drawing or a paint of lovely birds, you have to understand the meaning, the message, what they are trying to transmit with them. I think that this painting is telling us that black and white people can be together and live in harmony.
bye Bauti m.
Miss Ale, my hero was Martin Luther King, I think that my hero is very related to the picture I have just seen. For me this picture means that the two different races can live together in harmony. Also that they have the same rights. We always can live in peace because if you have another colour of skin that doesn`t means that they can`t be together. All the human beings have the same body under their skins. I`m totally against discrimination!!!
sAntos D.
I think that picture shows that by being different you shouldn't be scared of another people just because you are differen't(and also that other people have to hate you because you are different)
Every one has to respect each other and help. I really find no reason to hate, kill or discriminate other people just because the color of the skin. Really this affect a lot of people and really want this to stop.
Manuel B seyya :¬)
I think these peacture simbolizes that we can leave all together in peace and harmony without caring how people look like or triting them badly. It shows that we all are the same and we deserve the same so ale I thing this picure shows many thing.
I think that that picture is great cause its like there all black birds that don´t like the white one and because he is white they stay away from him and its the same with the persons that descriminate other people. I also think that we shouldn´tdescriminate like the floggers chetos emos and bloggers and nerds.
T he last comment before this was mine felipe blanco.
i think that it is not good to discriminate people and it is very good to other people you accepting them how they are.
I think this pictures is all of rasism because the white bird is like helping the black birds from rasism.
I think it means different is beautiful, so who cares if you've got different types of skin?!? We all deserve to be treated well, as we should treat other people. Some people should just make a sacrifice and try to be nice to other people, to show them that one person can make a difference, no matter what type of skin they have, or whatever. We should try, and never give up!
Juli I
I think that the picture shows that we haave to live all together not living in groups. I think that it represents razisism and descrimination. They do that by the tipe of the skin the eyes the different to think and thinking in different ways. I think that there are really wrong in doing that because we are all a world and it can´t be separated in different parts we have to be one group only . That´s the way that it should be.
It is very important to take it into acount.
We have to have equal rights.
I loved the post!!!
The project we´ve done in art it is very important also we did a drawing of it with a message of it.
Also I remember the book that you read us of the a black man that loved reading and he could´t have the posibilitie of going into the library to take books. I think that also we said that we don´t have to descriminate
I think that the picture shows that we haave to live all together not living in groups. I think that it represents razisism and descrimination. They do that by the tipe of the skin the eyes the different to think and thinking in different ways. I think that there are really wrong in doing that because we are all a world and it can´t be separated in different parts we have to be one group only . That´s the way that it should be.
It is very important to take it into acount.
We have to have equal rights.
I loved the post!!!
The project we´ve done in art it is very important also we did a drawing of it with a message of it.
Also I remember the book that you read us of the a black man that loved reading and he could´t have the posibilitie of going into the library to take books. I think that also we said that we don´t have to descriminate
sorry that comment was mijne
barbie portela
I think that the one who draw all that picture was trying to say as that no matter who the people looks you have to treat them nice and who you want that other people wants to treat you. In other picture there were tring to say us that the are people who eat a lot per day and some other that they eat ones a day. bye see you tomorrow, Facundo G
I think that the one who draw all that picture was trying to say as that no matter who the people looks you have to treat them nice and who you want that other people wants to treat you. In other picture there were tring to say us that the are people who eat a lot per day and some other that they eat ones a day. bye see you tomorrow, Facundo G
I think the picture shows that all people can live together if their black or white they are all the same people.
felipe ba 6b
I think that these imiges that we have seen in art have lot to do with the hero.
I think of these becouse the artist that has studied these whants all the people to see them and reflect of what their are doing.
They are to coperating whith all the persons that think of descrimination, wars, etc.
When I first so these I was very impresionated of the droing but not only the droing, of the ideas they took to do the picture or droing
These peoples are very cool.
Have a good week
nico d l
Miss Ale,
Coexistance is realy inportant in that photo you pasted with the sources for not to plagerise all the black birds are looking at the white bird saying who is that. You have to say its just a person like you and me if we treat persons in a diferent way than others just for their colour or I dont know because he is to fat or to thin that is like taking apart that people from you.
THomas W
Miss ale,
I think that this is connected to the heroes that weve been seing because, coexistance means that we have to understand and try to be with other people leaving aside the difference, because what really matters is what we have in our hearts, like how we are inside , how we think, but people also can li,e other things to do , and that is also correct. And all great heroes fought for that types of things, for human rights that is that we all deserve to be trated good, and discrimination hasn't to be included in the differences of treatment!!! Specially Marting Luther King, that fought for the people rights , of discrimination!!!
Also that is a very nice picture that reflecs all this through art....
sorry that comment was mine,= PANCHA.T!!!
miss ale
I think that the picture means that you don´t have to be seperate from other people because of the skin colour, if he is a boy or a girl, etc. just as martin lutherking did, he wanted people to be altogeather.
the blog is cool. felipe s
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