Friday, 2 May 2008

Poem of the week!

Read the poem, think and then post the comment.
What is the poet talking about or referring to?

A cold and starry darkness moans
And settles wide and still
Over a jumble of tumbled stones
Dark on a darker hill.

An owl among those shadowy walls,
Gray against gray
Of ruins and brittle weeds, calls
And soundless swoops away.

Rustling over scattered stones
Dancers hover and sway,
Drifting among their own bones
Like the webs of the Milky Way.

By Harry Behn


Anonymous said...

Hello Ale I think it is talking about the colours black and gray.

Ignacio V

Anonymous said...

ale I think this poem is talking about the darkness in a darken hill


Anonymous said...

Hi ale:
I think the poem is talking about death when the darkness takes you to another world and makes gray and black fight agaist each other, because blackness is all you see when you die, it will be something that Oscar Wilde could include when he wrote"THE CANTERVILLE GHOST" when the ghost and Virginia talk about the garden of death.

Anonymous said...

hi Miss Ale
I think it is talking about THE CANTERVILLE GHOST, the ghost's death

Anonymous said...

Hello. I think its talking about the cemetery.

Tobi B

Anonymous said...

Hello Ale. I think that the answer is that in that place there is darkness or sadness. Also all the place is dark.

Anonymous said...

sorry that coment was of Barbie portela

Anonymous said...

I think that the poem talks about the garden of death and the woulds beside it

Anonymous said...

Ale I think it is talking about the night

Anonymous said...

The last comment was Tommy P

Anonymous said...

I think he is talking about night in winter. Marcos T

Anonymous said...

I think the writter is refering to a night with a ghost on a hill. Also it is referring to "THE CANTERVILLE GHOST" when Virginia describes the Garden of Death.
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

Hi miss ale!!!!!
I think this poem talks about the darkness and the wind in the rocks and hills. How it slowly moves with grace.

Anonymous said...

hello miss ale I think it is about the centerville ghost

Anonymous said...

Hello miss ale I think this poem is about the canterville ghost

Anonymous said...

Hello miss Ale good poem but sad. I think its refered of the blackness and sadness of the Cantervilles gohst´s death

bye bye
Thomas D

Anonymous said...

hello Ale I think the writer is talking about the black and grey colours and black and light

Ramiro T

Anonymous said...

I think that he wanted to exprese the night and all the bored colousrs that exist

Santos D.

Anonymous said...

Hello Ale I think that is talking about a sad cold night.
Facundo G

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Ale!
I think that the poems talks about a ghost and how it governs the night because it talks about darkness and some phrases are the keys to know it is talking about a ghost.
See you,
Barbie M

Anonymous said...

Hi ale I think this poem is refering to a lace were there isn´t happiness, it is all sad because of the coulors black and grey.

Anonymous said...

Ale: I think it talks about a horrible place were there is death and no light. It might be a place were there is abscence of God. Because God is light and love.


Anonymous said...

Ale: I also think that this poem is referring to the Canterville Ghost because ghosts live in horrible places.

Anonymous said...

exelent poem and thanks
I got to go to dinner bye and see you later
bautista m.

Anonymous said...

"Drifting amongst their own bones" I think its talking about a graveyard

Julieta I

Anonymous said...

I think it is tallking about a graveyard or a cementry.

Martin S.