Usually Easter is celebrated in April but since it is a leap year, it was on one of the last days of March. We also have April´s fools, which I want to know HOW was invented, and also, MY BIRTHDAY IN 4 DAYS!!!!!
I think that more than a celebration this is a conmemoration. Because I don't like wars . and I would never put it as a celebration . Eaven if the war finished it would be very bad that it started at one moment. so the malvinas day is the conmemoration I know. pancha.t
Yes I know, There is alot of dates important. The days of all the tests they took to us!!! They were like 8 tests!! WEll that was cuiet inoying!!!!! Ines G
Yes my BIRTHDAY!!!
Valerie P.
Usually Easter is celebrated in April but since it is a leap year, it was on one of the last days of March. We also have April´s fools, which I want to know HOW was invented, and also, MY BIRTHDAY IN 4 DAYS!!!!!
Julieta Iricibar Berrotaran Rattenbach Rodriguez Rios 6B
The Malvinas invasionon 2 of April.
Yes, I know one celebration!!
Malvinas day!
Yes,April Fools' Day.
Andy P.
the war of the malvinas
george .p. 16/4
the malvinas war is what happened.
Hi Miss Ale. I know two important dates on the month of April, The Malvinas day and Pancha´s birthday.
Barbie M
I think that more than a celebration this is a conmemoration. Because I don't like wars . and I would never put it as a celebration . Eaven if the war finished it would be very bad that it started at one moment. so the malvinas day is the conmemoration I know.
Yes I know, There is alot of dates important. The days of all the tests they took to us!!! They were like 8 tests!! WEll that was cuiet inoying!!!!!
Ines G
Yes, One is the day of Earth and my birthday on april 16 ;)
Shany M
Yes, the 2 of april the Malvinas and the 22 of april the aniversary of the world
Santos D.
Yes, the 2 of april the Malvinas invasion and the 22 of april the aniversary of the earth
Santos D.
Yes, the 2 of april the Malvinas invasion and the 22 of april the aniversary of the earth
Santos D.
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